Sponsorships are often the biggest source of revenue for associations. We at AEG understand the importance of marketing to sponsors to match and exceed revenue goals year after year. Learn our top three tips to increase sponsor revenue at your next conference or event.

1. Set revenue goals and create an action plan.

Review your budget year after year and set goals that are in line with your previous year’s amount. For example, if you sold $20,000 in 2017, set a goal of achieving $25,000 in 2018, which is more realistic than trying to reach $100,000. We can work with your conference committee to create revenue goals and an action plan with target dates and tasks to meet those goals.

2. Spend time on lead research.

Previous sponsors and exhibitors should be contacted for sponsorships. Additional prospects can be found through research of similar trades, sister associations and competitors. Helpful tip: look at the sponsors for your competitors’ events as additional leads.

3. Keep looking for innovative ways for people to sponsor your event.

Common sponsorship materials include pens, tote-bags, and lanyards. You can also offer sponsored emails and social media posts during the conference season, premiere placement on your website, or placement in your program booklet. We can help you look for ways to innovate to your market and create opportunities that lead to more revenue.

Looking to outsource event planning and marketing for your organization? Contact Association Executives Group today at 414-908-4924 or info@associationeg.com.

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