Communications / Publications


Our in-house writing and award-winning design staff has experience in the nonprofit industry, public relations agencies and corporate marketing. We help to keep members engaged and add value with up-to-date information through print and/or web based magazines, newsletters, hardcover books, conference guides, articles, eblasts, blog posts, brochures and more. AEG has been producing publications through online and print methods, for over 30 years and have former magazine editors and artists on staff to get it done professionally and efficiently.

We are also able to provide clients with over 30 years of experience in creating and executing full-service marketing programs, including digital membership drives and organizational awareness campaigns, digital advertising platforms, social media and email marketing, and pay-per-click campaigns, organic and paid search, direct mail, and more.

Also, leveraging public relations opportunities can be one of the most important aspects of a communications plan. From press releases to feature articles, we have the experience and tools to strongly position the organization’s message and, get the word out. Through research, writing and media exposure, we will deliver a consistent and powerful message beneficial for targeting new and existing members.

  • Develop and implement marketing communications plans
  • Promote conferences and other events
  • Write and distribute news releases and media kits
  • Prepare public service announcements, brochures and other publicity materials
  • Manage web and social media sites
  • Organizational newsletters, magazines and eBlasts

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